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What are the Best Methods to clean your Mattress?

Who does not enjoy a night of deep and restful sleep? It is refreshing, relaxing, and invigorating. We also firmly believe in the famous dictum – sleep on your problem and wake up with a solution. Sound sleep is essential for good health and the proper functioning of vital organs. It also relieves stress and tension.

We spend a lot of time on our mattresses, so it is necessary to have them properly cleaned and sanitized regularly. A need to take special care to maintain a clean and hygienic home is a priority, and it’s not just the carpets and the upholstery that require deep cleaning; your mattresses do too. Here are a few reasons why:

Secretions from the Human Body

We spend 7-8 hours a day on the mattress in a deep sleep. But that does not mean no subsurface activity is taking place on your comfortable and cozy bed.

The human body sheds roughly 500 million skin flakes in a day, and much of this happens when you are fast asleep. In addition to skin cells, our body secretes oils and sweat too which seep in through the sheets and into the fabric of the mattress.

When the oils and sweat accumulate over a long period, they become grimy and get deeply embedded in the fabric of the mattress. The oils wear away the fabric and deteriorate the texture and the structure of the soft mattress.

Dust Mites

Dust mites are present in every home. They grow, thrive and breed where there is an abundance of food and moisture.

Do you know what the dust mites munch on?

Our dead and accumulated skin cells make for a delicious meal for the millions of dust mites that live and crawl about in our mattresses. This, along with the moisture and humidity of the sweat and the oils secreted from the human body, provide the perfect breeding ground for dust mites.

Dust mites are not harmful per se, but like all living organisms, they excrete waste material that builds up in our mattresses. Their excrement contains allergens that cause nasty allergic reactions in human beings, especially in babies and children who roll about on the bed and come into close contact with the fecal pellets.

Watery eyes, a congested nose, breathing problems, and eczema all result from allergic reactions to dust mites. Asthmatic attacks are frequent in severe cases.


Mold, which is a type of fungus, thrives in moist conditions.

We often spill liquid and other materials on our mattresses. We may wipe them off and spot clean the mattress, but there are still remnants left in the fibers of the mattress. The moisture from our sweat, along with other body oils, also promotes the growth of bacteria and fungus.

These microorganisms cause several allergic reactions in humans. Some strains of fungus release toxic chemicals known as mycotoxins into the atmosphere.

There are several benefits to giving your mattress a thorough and professional cleaning. The professional cleaners will carefully examine the mattress and determine what cleaning techniques, products, and processes will work best. They will find out any deeply soiled or stained areas that require special attention, and also determine other damage like tears and holes.

Best Methods to Clean Mattresses by Professional Cleaners

A Thorough Vacuum

A thorough vacuum helps remove all the dry soil found on the mattresses. The dry soil includes dead skin cells, dust, and dirt. If this dry waste is not removed, it will become slimy and make the wet part of the cleaning difficult.

Application of a Pre-Spray

A specialized pre-spray is then applied on the mattress and worked into it. It is vital that the pre-spray is agitated well and scientifically, and reaches every nook and corner of your mattress. The cleaning pigments in the spray break down and dislodge the deeply embedded dirt, grime, and stains. Once the dirt and soils are loosened, they can be easily washed away.

Reputed cleaners use robust cleaning solutions that are gentle on your skin and safe to be used on your mattress.

Allow for Dwelling Time

The next step in the cleaning process is to allow the pre-spray to dwell in the mattress for some time. This enables the powerful cleaning agent to penetrate into the mattress and deep clean it.

The hardened soils are suspended and broken down, which makes it easy to rinse them away.

A Proper Rinse

The mattress is all ready to be washed with the soils dislodged and loosened. Professional cleaners make use of the latest and the best equipment that gives a thorough wash to your mattress.

A customized rinsing solution mixed with hot water is used to deep clean the mattress. The hot water destroys all the remaining microorganisms in the mattress and sanitizes it.

A powerful extractor removes the water from the mattress and leaves it almost dry.

A Clean and Dry Mattress

The cleaner will use fans to speed up the drying process, and it will take around 8-12 hours for your mattress to dry out completely. You must get as much airflow around the mattress as possible to enable quick and uniform drying. Proper drying rejuvenates the fibers, and the fabric looks as good as new.

Ensure the mattress is thoroughly dry before you sleep on it.

The professional deep-cleaning process leaves you with a fresh, clean and pristine mattress.


Hiring professiona mattress cleaners will ensure an allergen-free, healthy and soft mattress. And since you know for sure no harmful mites and bacteria are having a ball in your bedroom; you can sleep on it peacefully.

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